Saturday, April 30, 2016

Production Report 2

This post will do the same things as the previous production report. This time the section being shown is my first main idea.

This section I did not start detailing as much as the intro. I have a lot of main points I want to talk about so I want to try to talk casually first and see if that will work. I want to make it sound as organic as possible because I am doing the podcast genre. I feel like if I write too much of it out I am just going to be reading and talking instead of thinking and talking. I am not a good presenter so I think the audience would be able to pick up on this fairly easily,

The main realization I had when making this section is that I cannot just read my script. I will if I need to but I want to try to avoid it as much as possible. This would also give me more time to rethink my talking points and make the project more genuine.

Section 1: Writing before this semester

Strict rules

Objective all the time

No personal input

Meaningless work

No personal connection to work

All this leads to me making a generic product that'll meet criteria

I never practiced transferring my own thoughts to paper

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