Saturday, January 30, 2016

Considering Genre

Choosing a genre for any of the projects greatly impacts what the content of the project will be. Matching a certain kind of genre is key to effectively conveying what the author is trying to say. One must consider which context would fit the topic the best. For example, I would feel more comfortable doing project 4 as a video project or podcast. This could vary between students but the decision remains just as important.

I am committing to the college essay genre because of the large amount of research needed to illustrate both sides. My controversy is based off the research of two parties and I feel like I could present the research properly in an essay. The other genres would not work for my particular genre because the large amount of research would take away from the other aspects of the genres. For example, trying to fit in research information into a video or podcast would seem forced and stick out too much. Most research is published in some kind of written form and with it playing such a large part in my first project, the college essay would be the best genre to support it.

Since most of my high school career was writing essays, I feel I have a good feel for some aspects of this genre. I feel comfortable with my tone, word choice, and keeping the essay "professional". This week I plan to do more research on the format of a college essay. I want to be able to know the exact format I will use, including spacing, font, text size, and other specific aspects in order to be as precise as possible. I will also look up certain parts of the essay in our textbook including intro and concluding paragraphs. Hopefully all these aspects will produce a more college appropriate essay in which I can present the research in an effective way.

I feel good about production week in regards to the amount of research I have. I feel like I have all the information I need. The challenges I think I will have this week is forming my position and planning out my essay. Since most of my presentation will be explaining how the research of both sides effect the situation, I do not know if I should present this information completely unbiased or if I should input my opinion.

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