Sunday, January 24, 2016

Investigating Genres


1. Podcasts seem to usually express some kind of unique view point. The topics can range from science based information to more personal opinions.

2. Podcasts can be found online. There is an actual place to listen and download them in an app for iOS but they can also be found on youtube or other secondary sharing websites. Some podcasters even have their own website where one could download episodes.

3. Some podcasts have a very focused audience and others vary the subject of discussion, allowing a wider range of listeners. This mainly depends on what kind of podcast exists. A podcast focused on science, or any other specific subject, will only target a certain amount of people that are interested in that subject. Other podcasts that are not as restricted in topics will have the opportunity to appeal to a larger group of people.

4. Podcasts are different from other genres because most of them are free flowing. There does not necessarily have to be a structured outline or plan for how the podcast will go. Podcasts allow the type of back and forth conversation similar to the radio, without having to be interrupted or without any restrictions content wise.

5. Podcasting is a unique genre because it allows unfiltered dialogue on a large platform. While videos can accomplish similar goals, podcasting can be very organic and create content as the episode progresses, while videos and other genre need some kind of plan or structure.

I responded to Joshua Martin Smith and Malik Bullock

Reflection: After reading the other posts, I realized that we will all make our own opinions about any given topic. Each view can incorporate different pieces of information. As I wrote my comments down I was able to relate to what the authors said but also add my own suggestions. This makes me want to try to not procrastinate so I can revisit my work multiple times, adding any new useful content as I update my point of view.


  1. I like how you mentioned that podcasts can be very organic and can progress as the recording is occurring, as opposed to video where it does need some kind of structure beforehand. The only exception I can think of is if the video content would be a discussion video of sorts where the content is being improvised as the recording of the video is being done (say like a talk show).

  2. I think it is important how you noted that the topics of podcasts vary greatly due to the fact that podcasts are unique due to this very reason. I also agree with the idea that podcasts are free flowing and do not have to have a structure or format. Podcasts are interesting because anyone can produce a podcast about whatever they please. Overall I do not have much advice for you as you covered the concept of podcasts very well. I would've touched on the concept that they are downloadable and available on multiple platforms.

  3. Probably the most interesting and important point I saw was how you mention podcasts are "free-flowing". Unlike the other genres we have for English, podcasts don't really have much of a plan or blueprint, they kinda just go with whatever the flow of the person/people talking. Furthermore, I liked how you described the audience as more of a broad range. I agree that the type of media doesn't attract the audience, but the subject at hand.

  4. Probably the most interesting and important point I saw was how you mention podcasts are "free-flowing". Unlike the other genres we have for English, podcasts don't really have much of a plan or blueprint, they kinda just go with whatever the flow of the person/people talking. Furthermore, I liked how you described the audience as more of a broad range. I agree that the type of media doesn't attract the audience, but the subject at hand.

  5. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing a few items on the bulleted list of conventions there.

  6. The reflection here - "After reading the other posts, I realized that we will all make our own opinions about any given topic. Each view can incorporate different pieces of information. As I wrote my comments down I was able to relate to what the authors said but also add my own suggestions. This makes me want to try to not procrastinate so I can revisit my work multiple times, adding any new useful content as I update my point of view." - is, to me, a great example of words that say almost nothing and give me no insight into how you're honestly thinking about the course material. Please try to make your process work more insightful and honest - I'll give credit for this one, but the next reflection that lacks real content will not earn credit for the class.
