Saturday, March 12, 2016

Open Post to Peer Review

Here is a rough draft of my QRG. There is still a lot I need to add. Right now I just wanted to focus on the main points being made as the project started off a little confusing for me and I want to make sure I am doing a good job meeting the criteria.

My QRG is meant to be a kind of guide for young neuroscientists to understand the genres in their field better. I use the word "you" and I would like to know if that works for this situation. I have never really used it in my writing before and am unsure if it works.

I think one weakness of my draft is that I am unsure if I organized it well enough. This is my first time making a QRG and it was weird to organize my ideas not in an essay format. I had to play around with where to put what and how much to talk about each topic.

I think one of my strengths is the fact that I have a specific purpose: to help new neuroscientists learn the genres in the field. This made it easier to know what to talk about. I stayed focused on what the reader needs to know. I think by the time the finished project is ready, this will make the QRG very comprehensible and informative.


  1. Form Suggestion

    I think you could work on making it appear more interesting to the reader. Your content is good but you just need to grab the reader's attention. You should consider adding different fonts, subtitles, rhetorical questions, and images. You're off to a great start.

  2. Ben,

    I reviewed your QRG and you can find my comments on my blog post.

  3. Hey Ben,

    So I know this is definitely a late peer review and you've probably done most of the things I'll mention but I have it anyway(Activity 3):
    The first thing is language. I would use more concise sentences with plenty of white space, since this is a convention of QRGs.
    Second is design elements. You said this is a rough draft, so I guess just keep in mind that a really important element of QRGs is the question and answer format with the headings.
    Last thing is using credible sources. You didn't really cite any but you probably hyperlinked them, as QRGs dictate.
    It looks like your content is pretty good so far though!
