Sunday, March 6, 2016

Content Outlne

This blog will serve as an outline for the upcoming work in project 2. While the outline will be specific and focused, it can always be changed if necessary.

Opening section:

My genre is a QRG. My first section should focus on capturing the attention of the reader and explain what the QRG is going to be about. The length should be minimal, while still satisfying its purpose.

Body sections:

Each body section will focus on a specific topic. I know I will definitely have sections dedicated to the interviews I conducted. I will most likely place these sections toward the beginning and then have certain sections explaining the different topics that came up in the interview.

Closing section:

The closing section will have to explain the importance of understanding genre, specifically for a neuroscientist. Since I'm doing a QRG, I won't have to summarize as much since the piece is supposed to be read quickly. I will instead, just focus on the significance of understanding specific genres.

Main ideas for each section (after interviews):

1. What is the most popular genre

2. Why is it effective (refer to interview)

3. How the internet has affected publication

Major pieces of evidence:

 Most popular genre:

1. Comments from both interviewees

2. Research and popularity of scientific journals

Why is it effective:

1. Comments from both interviewees

2. Rhetorical analysis of scientific journals

Internet effects:

1. Comments from both interviewees

2. New online locations where neuroscientists can publish works

What the evidence proves:

Most popular genre:

 Both interviewees state that the most popular genre is scientific writings/ essays in scientific journals. As I researched the genre I also found it to be the most popular.

Why is it effective:

Both interviewees say that this genre is "effective" because of its popularity, being able to reach a large amount of people. I would then quote some scientific journals and analyze the rhetoric used in the article.

Internet effects:

Both interviewees claim that there are new emerging platforms for scientists to publish works on. I would then investigate some of these locations and report on why they are more useful.

Why the evidence is important:

Most popular genre: this evidence is important because the audience has to know the context for the QRG. In order to fully investigate the extent of genre in my major, it is crucial that the most common one is defined and acknowledged.

Why it is effective: The second part of investigating this genre, is to explain why the most popular genre is the most popular genre. This information is useful to understand the publications by neuroscientists and for upcoming people in the field to be able to write more effectively.

Internet effects: this evidence always has importance in this day and age. Exploring the possibilities of the internet early could help upcoming neuroscientists take advantage of new technique and publication outlets in order to further their career.

How to grab the readers attention:

I think I am going to focus on appealing to the upcoming neuroscientist and how the reader could improve their publications in the field. I think this is the best audience to target, allowing me to deeply explore the genres without giving useless information.

Closing ideas:

I think the best way to explain how this is important is to explain how knowing the genre being used can greatly influence how good the piece will turn out. I will have to make sure I do not get too specific or else I would have to do more work on it in the body sections. I would be willing to expand on the importance of understanding the genre if necessary, but I'd rather focus on the genre itself.

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