Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reflection on my Process

This blog is going to be a reflection on this pre-production phase. I will examine what went wrong and what went right. hopefully by doing this I will know what to do better next time.

The main things that went right last week were the interviews. i was very happy with the content I was able to get out of my interviewees. This also helped me conduct my research, as I knew what to look for more.

One of the hardest things about this project was deciding which genre to use. I wanted to do a podcast because I had voice recordings for the interviews but I think I could format the message better in a QRG. This actually ended up working out in the end because I asks my interviewees a lot of questions in case I decided to take a different route.

After making the schedule, I have a lot more confidence in the next couple weeks. I am more confident with the content I gathered, especially from by interviews. I think this will make the production week a lot easier.

Honestly, I am still a little nervous because I have never really written about a topic like this, However, I am pretty confident in the research I've done and the content I have from my interviews. I think as long as I stick to my schedule and do not procrastinate, I will be able to produce a good project 2.

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