Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Peer Review for Chanler Gillette

I reviewed Chandler Gillette's QRG titled Engineering a Future for Tomorrow's Children. The review process was very helpful for me and I hope it was helpful for Chandler. I saw some things he did well that I'd like to do with my own project and I also saw things I want to avoid, like not having enough pictures.

He posted his rough draft in his blog post here.

I actually did not see that I only had to pick one activity to critique the rough draft with so I did all of them. When I was making my suggestions I focused a lot on the superficial aspects since it is a QRG, I also took into account how clear his purpose is and if he is targeting the audience well enough. He did a great job with the content and delivering it in an interesting way so a lot of the suggestions focused on how to more accurately fit the form.

Since I did the four activities, I think I covered a lot of what can be fixed. Chandler and I have never done a QRG before so I knew he would appreciate more criticism on the genre. I suggested a lot of things like adding pictures and diagrams. I also talked about things like font and text organization.

After reading pages 61 and 62 of the students guide, I wanted to try to focus on things Chandler may not have been concerned with while making the rough draft. I wanted to do this to give a "fresh perspective" on the piece. I knew he would be more concerned with the actual content and points presented so I wanted to focus more on the genre conventions and rhetorical aspects of the text.

I think I admired the fact that Chandler was able to take a somewhat boring subject and make it interesting. I liked how he put a lot of voice into the QRG and I will now try to incorporate that into my own QRG.

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