Saturday, March 12, 2016

Production Report

This week was the process of transforming outline content into useable content. Here is one section I worked on this week.

Outline section:

Opening section

My genre is a QRG. My first section should focus on capturing the attention of the reader and explain what the QRG is going to be about. The length should be minimal, while still satisfying its purpose.

Content generated:

In the competitive community of science and research, it is crucial to understand the platforms and genres in which researchers publish their work. Specifically, in the field of neuroscience. While it would be worth while to familiarize yourself with all the possible genres available, the three most important and widely used genres today are power point presentations and scientific journal publications.

When making this content I focused on the points detailed in my outline. Using the QRG genre, I knew I could do this because the readers of QRG are generally reading through the text quickly and looking for main points of each section.

Keeping this in mind, I enjoyed not having to worry about the heavily structured introductions I'm used to writing in college essays. I did not have too much trouble figuring out what to say because I feel like I know the points I'm trying to make. 

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