Saturday, March 12, 2016

Production Report 2

This post is a continuation of the last post under Production Report.


Body section

Each body section will focus on a specific topic. I know I will definitely have sections dedicated to the interviews I conducted. I will most likely place these sections toward the beginning and then have certain sections explaining the different topics that came up in the interview.

Content Generated:

Credibility in a Scientific Journal Publication

This should be the number one quality on your mind when publishing in a scientific journal. The primary goals of any publication is to present your research and, in return, get the attention of potential investors so you can conduct more research.

The scientific journal should be viewed as a marketplace you can advertise yourself on and the customers are the potential investors. Like a car salesman trying to sell an inadequate car, researchers who stray away from the content of their research may give the impression that they are overselling themselves in order to compensate for inadequate research.

Trying to appeal to the investors emotions will not work because you are essentially selling to a company making a business decision. In a scientific journal, the article being published should give the investors a first impression of “quality research”. The next step is using power point presentations to close the deal.

This part of the QRG was a little bit trickier than the intro. I think I still need to experiment on how to organize the paragraphs. I have not written a QRG before so I was not familiar with how to break up the content. 

Overall, I was happy with what I produced. I felt like I stayed focused and did not stray to far away with what I am trying to say. One of the dilemmas I had was whether or not to repeat why understanding these genres are important. I do not want to seem repetitive but I want to explain why its important. 

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