Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Variety

I think varied sentence structure is one of the strong suits in my draft. They are varied in length, cadence, and syntax. I put a lot more effort into this than in other areas because it takes the most conscious effort for me. It is easier to go back and change other aspects.

The transitions in my essay barely cover the bases. I think they could definitely be better by making them more creative or incorporating my thesis ideas more. In the final version I want them to have more of a purpose than to just switch paragraphs.

After making the list of verbs, I felt like I did not repeat myself too much. Most words only occurred once and a few were repeated twice. However, when I organized my verbs into specific and general, I realized I should go back and look for stronger words. I had too many general verbs when I should have more specific ones.

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