Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

For both my interviewees, Alan Nighorn and Leslie Tolbert, the only form of social media I could find them on was Facebook. Leslie Tolbert could have been on instagram but her account was private (if it was her).

For both accounts, the information shown on Facebook only included posts related to their career. Most of the posts involved some kind of event of milestone. These include finishing up research, working on research, or attending some sort of meeting related to their fields.

Since Facebook did not provide too much information into the interviewees personal lives, it is hard to compare their posts to their professional publications. I did see some of their personality as they pose, smiling with peers. Although it does not give any crucial information, their posts show that they are willing to show a lighter and more fun side of them in comparison to their publications.
Kropekk_pl. August, 19 2014. Public Domain

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