Thursday, February 4, 2016

Stakeholder #1

One of the most vocal stakeholders in this controversy is the FTC. Since their job is to protect the public, all of their investigation and subsequent statements are made public, in order to adequately inform. The FTC is a section of the government responsible for protecting consumers from various forms in which companies or other entities try to cheat the system. Since the FTC is a governmental department, most of its relationship to the public exists in legal documents and its own official website. While the website will give a more comprehensible explanation for the public, the official documents have more legal terminology. These documents are also where the FTC states its official claims. The article presented on the website does more of a summary, while still referencing the official documents. The FTC also remains very unbiased, only stating facts. Even on the website, where the tone is less official, there are only facts presented, with clear actions and consequences. There is an extreme focus on policy. There is also never one "spokesperson". Since the FTC remains unbiased, there is no room for opinion. The department rather acts as a collective enforcer of governmental policy.

"Lumosity preyed on consumers’ fears about age-related cognitive decline, suggesting their games could stave off memory loss, dementia, and even Alzheimer’s disease." - Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. 

"Lumosity simply did not have the science to back up its ads." - Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection.

These two quotations from Jessica Rich came from the FTC's website.

"It also failed to disclose that some testimonials on the website were solicited through contests that promised substantial prizes, including a round trip to San Francisco."

The two quotations form Jessica Rich are very valid. As the Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, she has a lot of credibility. Her statement also reflects the efforts of the department as a whole and incorporates the decisions made in a federal court.

The third quotation comes from and comes with a little more baggage. It is no secret that many media outlets prey on the emotions of their viewers. Their job is to sell a story and the more controversial or dramatic they can portray a story, the more views they will get. The information quoted, however, was very checkable, as I was able to find some of the testimonials.

These quotations represent how the FTC is mainly focused on what Lumosity did. They differ from the other stakeholders in that they do no try to put any spin on the story or make a larger point. They are very unbiased. The other stakeholders are either trying to defend or attack.

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