Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

I reviewed Rashaan Malik's QRG and scored it with this rubric.

It was hard to critique this QRG, considering it was only a rough draft, but there were a couple things that could have been changed. Paying attention to conventions, one paragraph was too long, acting more like an essay paragraph. The paragraph only stood out however, because the rest of the QRG fit very well into the types of paragraphs that should be there. Also, Rashaan did a very good job at telling the story. The sections flowed very well, describing the context of the controversy accurately. I could tell that Rashaan had a lot to say about the matter and I would have liked to hear a little more about the bigger picture results he would like to see, since the controversy is technically still going.

I learned from Rahaan's draft that I should focus on the flow of my essay more. Reflecting on my draft, in comparison to his, I feel like I could put more effort into the transitions of all my topics better. Using Rashaan's draft as a reference point, I will probably try to add some more contextual information in order to accomplish this goal.

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