Friday, February 5, 2016

The Time Period

Here are two local stories that are similar to the controversy involving Lumosity

False advertising in quality.

False advertising in quantity.

Two national stories

5 Hour Energy 

GE Capital

Two international stories

Southwest Air

Chiquita Brands International

In 2014, the market environment did not differ much from what it was in previous years and what it is now. With such a free market, many companies will try to take advantage of the consumers by stretching the truth or ignoring it completely. Money controls almost everything and most companies look to get more of it. They do not necessarily care about what the product is or what it is. All that matters is that it is marketable and will create profits. In larger companies, shareholders could own part of the company, usually a large percentage. These shareholders usually pressure the companies to try to be more profitable, driving the company's stock up. Other company heads could simply be greedy. Either way, time after time, companies continue to take advantage of the consumer by hiding information, lying about their product, or exaggerating the quality.

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