Friday, February 5, 2016

The Setting

Even though most of the controversy takes place online or in a federal courtroom, the initial incident originates at the Stanford Center on Longevity. This research center is part of Stanford. It is located between San Francisco and San Jose. This area is covered with big, green trees and always carries a light breeze. Since the center is not directly on campus, there is not as much noise as a busy college environment. This center is purely for research so it is much quieter and more mellow.

There is also not permanent set of researchers. Scientists, professors, and other qualified individuals gather from around the country, and sometimes other parts of the world, for specific experiments and research efforts. This creates a melting pot of perspectives, disciplines, and skills. With an investment from a science loving investor in Texas, the research center performs somewhat independently from Stanford.

Like other research centers, the Stanford Center on Longevity works on grants and is a non-profit. Their goal is to progress the scientific front in various areas that contribute to the longevity of human beings. This includes cognitive abilities, the focus of the controversy. For about six years, the research center produced a plethora of publications on various areas of study. Over time, the publications built up the center's credibility. This captured the attention of researchers from various places, and soon the center became a well respected institute comparable to the success of Stanford in relation to other universities.

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