Sunday, April 24, 2016

Editorial Report A

In this blog post I will provide a report about my introduction. I changed my focus for a second time so the pre edited version is still in script form. When I present my final selection, I will show the script and describe the pictures shown during the video as I recorded over it.

Here is the rough cut of the introduction: 

The war on drugs has been a damaging and ineffective way to handle drug addiction. Due to propaganda, misinformation, and a misunderstanding of what kind of person an addict is and why someone becomes addicted in the first place, the drug war has been allowed to exist and cause a tremendous amount of damage. As more research has been done, we are beginning to see how addiction really works. There are many factors that include how a person is raised and what experiences they’ve had. There is a clearer understanding of how the brain is formed under such conditions, allowing scientists and doctors to more accurately diagnose addicts. The solution is not incarceration. These people need help solving the deeper issues at hand in order to stop using a particular substance.  To understand why the drug war has not worked and why it will never work, the problem of addiction has to be understood on a deeper level. 

Here is the edited version:

The war on drugs has been a damaging and ineffective way to handle drug addiction. Due to propaganda, misinformation, and a misunderstanding of what kind of person an addict is and why someone becomes addicted in the first place, the drug war has been allowed to exist and cause a tremendous amount of damage. As more research has been done, we are beginning to see how addiction really works. There are many factors that include how a person is raised and what experiences they’ve had. There is a clearer understanding of how the brain is formed under such conditions, allowing scientists and doctors to more accurately understand what is going on. The solution is not incarceration. These people need help solving the deeper issues at hand in order to stop their destructive behavior. While it was acceptable to treat addicts with incarceration before, there is too much research now to justify treating addicts the same way. It is time to rethink the true origin of addiction and help the countless people affected. 

As I say the script, I have a few pictures with side to side movement. The pictures are of two old reefer madness posters, outlandish propaganda. 

The biggest difference in form is when I was describing the addicts. In the rough cut I addressed their substance abuse while in the edited version I addressed the destructive behavior. I did this to take the focus away from the substance being abused and focus on the behavior (as this is my main point I try to make in the video). 

The form changed a lot. It is hard to tell since I can't post a certain section of it. Adding pictures and recording audio are crucial components to the video genre so they made a big difference, compared to only have a script. 

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