Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Production Week

This blog post is a reflection on the past week and what went well and what could have gone better.

The best thing that happened last week was the accumulation of content to use. It is very easy to look up pictures and videos on the internet so it was very easy to find what I needed. This allowed more freedom to think about what I want to talk about and how to do it.

This freedom also was the hardest part of last week. I found it hard to decide on what exactly to focus on because I see how important all of them are and how to interact with each other. It is a very complicated topic and needs a lot of attention to understand fully.

I am excited to decide on a specific route to take because then I will be able to put more effort into it and turn the ideas I have into content. I am still nervous about how well I will be able to focus on one aspect because I see the importance in all of them.

I am confident in the content for this project. I feel like I know enough about the topic to produce good points and have a sound argument. I am mostly nervous about the genre. I have never made a video like this before and am not sure if I can produce the video I am imagining in my head. I feel like I am going to have to rely on friends and others that know how to make videos in order to effectively make one.

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