Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report

Below is a rough cut of my introduction section. I am doing a video essay about the war on drugs. I have not decided whether or not I will focus on the bad solution to the problem of the source of the problem. 


Introduce problem, give outline of project. Pictures will be on the screen as I narrate. 

The war on drugs does not work and needs a different perspective and solution. Due to propaganda, misinformation and a misunderstanding of what kind of person an addict is and why someone becomes addicted in the first place, the drug war has been allowed to exist and cause a tremendous amount of damage. The current system in place allows corrupt politicians and government officials to profit off of the lives of people that need our sympathy, not punishment. To understand why the drug war has not worked and why it will never work, the problem of addiction has to be understood on a deeper level. 

Video: Nixon, Reagan, propaganda, Personal stories

When I was making this rough cut, I focused on the visuals, and how I would plan them out to make the most sense. I am not very good with making videos so this rough cut is very limited. First, I'm going to start off with a quick introduction in order to let the audience know what the video is about. I will provide pictures that help immerse the audience as I talk, following up with a video that shows quick excerpts of all the content in my video (like a trailer). 

Since this rough cut is very rough, it was not necessarily hard to make. It was hard to decide what to focus on and how to organize it. My topic is very general and it was hard to focus on what I wanted to talk about. I am still considering just focusing on the source of the problem, so I won't spread myself too thin. 

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