Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report B

This is the first section after my introduction. I want to focus on the source of addiction in this section. I am still rewording the script and deciding what videos and pictures to put in. 

First section

How addicts become addicts.

Video of propaganda.

The average drug addict is commonly thought of as someone that chooses to do drugs over other important things. It is hard for those that have not experienced drug addiction, or know someone that has experienced it, to fully understand the psychological process that goes on inside the mind of a drug addict. This is true for any addiction really.

Video of Culture High guy

The source of addiction does not come from any particular object or action. It depends on the kind of experiences that shaped the user, usually this happens at a young age. The brain is shaped as a person grows, not stopping until about 25 years of age. The brain is especially formative in the early years of life. Addictive behavior stems from environments that produce certain formations of the brain. The environments include, abusive parents, poverty, traumatic events, malnourishment, and other forms of stressful situations. These environments are not limited to causing addiction with only drugs. Addiction can take forms in many different ways. Someone can be addicted to a physical substance, that directly changes how the reward system in the brain works, or psychologically, activating the same reward center through behavior. Either way, the source of the addiction is not that actual substance or behavior being abused. While addiction is a problem, it is not the problem that will fix the user’s destructive behaviors.

Video of Jayden.

I definitely wanted to take advantage of the genre for this section. My main goal is to appeal to the audience's emotions. This will be easier when I show the videos I picked out. The first is an expert in addiction and the second is a personal story of a father using medical marijuana to help his son fight a serious disease. I'm hoping that these videos will back up what I'm saying because I do not think I will be able to effectively get across the importance of what I'm saying with my voice.

When I was making this I realized I am going to have to rely on the credibility of others. I have not been a drug addict or have personally done any research on this topic. I realized I need to act as an ambassador between the people directly affected by drug addiction and the war on drugs and the people that do not understand what is going on. 

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