Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Project 3

In this post I'm going to talk about project 3 and about some of the hardships. Maybe some good things.

The biggest success of this project was that I felt like I could be invested in it enough to make good content. I felt confident in the information I presented and the points I made. This was somewhat of a problem in the beginning.

I ended up having to shift my focus twice. I think this is because the issue of addiction is very general and I had a lot of knowledge about all the different components of it. I had a hard time leaving information out because I felt like I wasn't painting the entire picture. I was eventually able to focus on just the cause of addiction, because if you have a solid understanding of why addicts become addicts, the rest of the problem is pretty logical. I also do not do well with technology so it was pretty challenging to create a video and have it compete with other people in the class and on the internet.

Based on the experiences of this week, the next project will be a lot easier. I only have a podcast left and that is basically one part of my video project I did. I also listen to a good amount of podcasts so I feel a lot more comfortable with how the genre conventions will turn out.

I feel pretty good about my project. I am mostly confident in the content and information being presented but I am scared my genre conventions will take a hit.

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