Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

In this blog post I'm going to talk about my video project and how many problems I had with it.

Here is my final product of my video essay.

I guess the first thing any reviewer should know is that I am extremely bad with technology. I had my film and television roommate try to teach me and I think my video is still pretty basic. Other than that I tried to explain the cause of addiction. I apologize in advance if you have to adjust the sound throughout the video.

The biggest strength of my video is that I feel like I got across what I was trying to say well. I really like the clips I used in my video because they added credibility I could not possibly have. I also think the topic of my video makes the video more interesting than most because it is not a big focus and I think a lot of people would be surprised about a lot of the information.

The biggest weakness is the quality of the video. I am worried that I didn't add enough things like music, title pages, or a credit page. I gave credit to the videos in the description so I hope that is sufficient.


  1. Hello Ben,
    I took a look at your video essay and I really liked it. I think your opinion on drugs and addiction is definitely something to be shared and that you presented your content well.
    One of the major things I focused on in my peer review is that the form of your essay could use some tweaking to make it better. I think the videos you included in your essay definitely did add credibility and backed up your claims, but they often ran too long and overwhelmed your own voice. Also, the pictures you used in the essay didn't always relate to the point you were talking about directly, which leaves a vital source of information, visual, not used to its full extent.
    Besides those major things, I only really noticed how the essay had some poor video quality and your transitions in dialogue were sometimes just a split second too long.
    Otherwise your video essay was really good and I am glad you chose your topic.

  2. Hi Ben,
    I know this was said in the previous comment but I'd like to reiterate that the only massive fault I could find was that your videos were very long. They were definitely good in illustrating your points, but this is still your argument. It's useful to remember that integrating media is just like integrating quotes; you wouldn't want an entire paragraph of an essay to be a solid quote from someone else. Maybe a couple sentences is good, but past that and you almost start to lose something for not saying things yourself. Just in the future it might be ideal to include impactful quotes from the media, then maybe mute that media and come in with your own voice-over as the footage plays so that the content is really your own. Otherwise it was really good, your argument was intriguing and I really enjoyed watching your video despite the fact that it's 2 am and I really want to go to sleep. But really good job!
